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Welcome to the John Adams Society
We are the alumni association for U.S. Embassy exchange programs for England, Scotland and Wales.
If you have participated in one of the many exchange programmes that exist between the US and UK, then we are the Society for you.
We were founded in 2010 by the team at the U.S. Embassy in London and a group of alumni. We are an association of individuals who have participated in U.S. government exchange programmes. These include the U.S. Department of State’s flagship exchange, the International Visitor Leadership Programme, the Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Programme, the British-American Parliamentary Group Exchange and others. We work to foster mutual understanding among the British and American governments while strengthening a network of individuals across multiple sectors who are invested in transatlantic cooperation and development.
We organise a wide range of social and formal events and have recently arranged briefings from the UK Ambassador to the USA, the EU Ambassador to Moscow and a senior military official at the Pakistan High Commission.
Simon Weston, the Falklands War hero was our guest of honour for the JAS Annual Lecture in November 2015. We have also arranged exclusive tours to Bletchley Park and most recently to Stonehenge where we were the very first group to visit a recently discovered ancient habitation dating back 10,000 years.
We open doors to people and places and are building one of the UK’s most interesting networks of people who share that special experience of having participated in a US State Department exchange programme.
A Message from Sir Kim Darroch, HM Ambassador to the United States of America
I am delighted to support the John Adams Society. I have had the privilege of speaking to the Society twice, and meeting many of its members. So I have seen at first-hand their passion, energy and enthusiasm for the Special Relationship.They radiate ideas and committment; we are lucky to have them; and I am proud to consider myself a friend of the Society.
In my position as British Ambassador to the United States, I see every day the value of bodies like the Society. Both of our nations need the free thinkers, the cultural exchanges, the better understanding of each others’ histories and the challenges we face. The John Adams Society exemplifies the historic alliance between the UK and the US, and the ties that bind us. In this turbulent world its work and values are more important now than ever.
Sir Kim Darroch, HMA Washington, July 2016

Exclusive JAS presentation and reception at the Pakistani High Commission by kind invitation of the High Commissioner
+ Message to the John Adams Society from Secretary Clinton